Launch Game and select MODS from main menu, then select the Galaxy Generation Bigger Systems that should have 'Local' on it and apply. Now in Documents/Endless Space 2/Community/GalaxyGenerationBiggerSystems there should be 2 files (GalaxyGenerationBiggerSystems.xml and GalaxyGenerationBiggerSystems.png) and 1 folder (GalaxyGenerator)ģ. Go to Documents/Endless Space 2/Community and extract the mod’s archive into that location (If there is no Community folder, make one and then make sure GalaxyGenerationBiggerSystems is in it)Ģ. Keep in mind: anything else is unchanged (planet size, temperature distribution, yields etc).ġ.
It also fixes the generation of star types depending on the galaxy age, so you indeed get hotter stars (blue, white, protostars etc) in the young galaxy and cooler stars (red giants, dwarves etc) in the old galaxy. That doesn't include Minor/Major factions home systems. This mod changes galaxy generation in the way that only 4-planet and 5-planet star systems are available. Galaxy Generation Bigger Systems is a mod for Endless Space 2, created by aazzoggerr.